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Saturday, April 14, 2012

'Man by a tree' - the 1st 30-50 pages

I've got some reviews up about my 1st book, 'Man by a tree', and they mention that the first few pages are tricky, fantastic but tricky, but after that, it's a cruise, it's fun, fun, fun! This book is, I won't say so different from anything else you've ever read, but comes from a different angle, it's like a landlover who's just jumped into the sea from a cliff. You're walking along, comfortable (or not), then you see the book, you open it's pages (and jump) SPLASH. It's takes you some time to acclimatise to the feeling and confusion of being immersed in the book (sea), but after a while, you get used to it, start to enjoy it, and finally you're zooming along with the story (swimming around). You can dive in and look deeper (hidden meanings) or just read ( swim around on the surface). The 2nd book 'The Bethlehem Fiasco', is rather like the SECOND time you jump in, you know what it's like, and just enjoy it :-) The 3rd, well, that's more serious, still fun, but now you're a veteran, you're trying to look for something of the main characters will be a female dolphin, get that!

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