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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Competition! Win books!

Okay, well, here it is! Competition! Free signed books! (for a little bit of work, of course. I'm poor, ya see)
Available....4 books...

2 The Rage of Atlantis
1 Man by a tree
1 The Bethlehem Fiasco
...all signed and dedicated to you....

So, rules....answer the 10 questions using my blog, website ( or the 1st 2 books. Some questions are open ended, some need some thinking, while others are easy.
Write your answers to the 'contact' page on my website (
With your 10 answers, please mention which book/s you have (if at all).
The best entries will receive the books. If you don't know an answer, the chances are no one else does, so you could still win a book :-) I might find that I only get a few entries and a few correct answers -  whatever, these 4 books will go to someone....eventually.

1. What did I enter which started me writing, and how long did it take me to write the 1st manuscript? (easy)
2. Give 5 reasons why the 1st book is called 'Man by a tree' - the 5th can be worked out from 'Egyptian wood' on the blog. (not so easy)
3. When was Graham Reader alone by trees (two occasions)? (easy if you read a book)
4. What are the 5 things 'The Bethlehem Fiasco' are about? (easy)
5. What are the 6 largest and therefore most used words on the 'Wordled' quotes of MBAT? (very easy)
6. Why is there a 'Swear Free Zone' label on all the books, and why don't I use swear words? (opened ended, that last bit :-))
7. 'The Olmecian Infestation' - which book is it from, who survived it, and what is it about? (not so easy)
8.When did I first 'have an idea' about the 3rd book? (easy)
9. What is the 3rd book about? Name a few characters and guess the ending. (open ended)
10. Why do I write? (easy)

Hope to hear from you soon...:-)

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