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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Another review of 'Rage' (3rd book)

They just keep coming :-) This one is again from I'm in a 'read sharing' thread, but I'm too busy to stay on it, so I think this'll be the last review I'll get.
Here are my short and long pitches...

Bombs, angels, dolphins, hobgoblins, crazy monkeys, God in a rage, Satan on the toilet...all mixed with absurdly serious issues.
Will a selfish plan for immortality destroy the human race? Or will there be light ‘beyond’ the end of the tunnel?
High Chief of Security Sipho, with his female dolphin sidekick Kang Dee, investigates the latest in a long line of terrorist attacks by the ‘unseen’ against Atlantis, the utopian gem of the physical universe, and finds more than he could have ever imagined.

'The Rage of Atlantis'
I like your short pitch. I’m not usually keen on the “list of things in the book” variety but that’s such a good list that I’ll make an exception.
I like the long pitch too. It’s quirky and interesting - much better than giving me the whole plot.
I really like the opening. A chase is relatively common, but not one in comfy slippers.
... That’s an exceptional first couple of sentences in Ch 2. They’ve got everything - it’s funny and surprising. The red squirrel stuff is really funny too.
“I’m so tired I could watch a dog grow.” is beautiful and ridiculous. I love it....

 After just three short chapters, I wouldn’t expect to entirely understand what’s going on in a fantasy world, and I don’t. But I do see that this is fabulous writing - funny, likeable and unexpected.

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