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Thursday, January 31, 2013

New competition! + TDX2 comments!

Just got to hear about a new competition, thought I's try it, the “Dear Lucky Agent” contest,for Young Adult and Sci-fi writers
The prizes...
Top 3 winners all get:
1) A critique of the first 10 double-spaced pages of your work, by your agent judge.
2) A free one-year subscription to ($50 value)!

I'm not really entering for the prizes, just for the chance of winning...:-)

I also got a few comments on for TDX2 !

I find this fun and very easy on the eyes. You main characters are working well for you here and are going to continue to do so but you need to push the book. I do think you have a little gem here. Good narrative voice, good story line, nice flow and good pitch. Well done and I can score this high as I see good things ahead.

Lighter, smaller, but still great! And it's so short I can read it again and again! Watch out for my 'TT'! lol

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