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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

TIW Thanks to (1)...Tannis Laidlaw

Yep, in the run-up to the BIG TIW FINAL, today I start a BIG TIW THANKS to those TIW writers who have given me help and inspiration when I needed it. There are so many of them who have helped me over the last year, they're a fantastic circle of writers :-) There's so much going on, especially in the closed Facebook group, that only TIWs's great to be a member, and I'm grateful to Brian Rogers for allowing me to be there...I'm usually kicked out within 3 months...

Err, no, I don't start with Brian, no. I actually start with a New Zealand writer (eh?) who somehow...I've forgotten how...introduced me to TIW (The Iron Writer) Challenge way back when...last year - Tannis Laidlaw! (website here...
Tannis has always been there for me, right from the start of TIW, and we've shared much correspondance. We're also working together on the official TIW Challenge anthology. As do I, she also writes up each weekly challenge and if I'm correct, most or all of the Weekend Quickies.Still waiting for her 2nd compilation of TIW stories to come out.
I reviewed her novel "Bye Baby Bunting" almost a year ago, an enjoyable well-crafted book. Though where I put it, I don't know...I'll find it and put it up on, it was on
Here's the book....
And here is a link to Tannis' 1st collection of TIW stories...reviewed that one, too...

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