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Sunday, December 27, 2015

"Manna-X" #FREE for 2 days

Yes, it's a freebie 2 days, Manna-X, the book with 16 reviews on Amazon.
I'd say my best, others 'one of my best'. THre are more to come but 2015 wasn't so productive...
"How to" came out in January, and then a number of short stories in anthologies.
I was hoping to finish the a few books this year but I started some.
Oh yes, the #free link! Please, download, read, REVIEW! :-)

If you'd like to read the latest Iron Writer Weekend it is...
on the website with hopefully some others...
and mine here :-)

WQ159 - image above, POV of something not human, venting frustration, gravy train

"It's the same all year round! Every day I get these stinking apes floating in my water!" growled the volcano.
"Well, it's hot, they like that," said the forest. "Perhaps if you stopped getting all steamed up about it and venting your frustration, maybe the water would cool down a little."
"And perhaps if you didn't grow so well and pretty the place up, they wouldn't come at all!" it shouted. The ground shook and the hundreds of apes fell silent for a moment. The boss ape came out of his office and said something that soothed their little hearts. "And him! He's raking it in! Because of this damn water on top of my plug he's riding the gravy train!"
"Then you know what you should do," said the forest. "Blow."
"Really?" asked the volcano. "I can do that?"
"If you're angry enough," replied the forest. "But please try to flow your lava on the other side, okay?"
"Angry? I'm furious!" An eruption began. The ground shook, the water disappeared, the apes screamed and ran away, and the lava flowed, away from the forest. A large group of ape volcanologists appeared.
"Oh shit," said the volcano. "More of them."

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