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Monday, October 8, 2012

Latvia and the Ukraine

Okay, so, who is reading this blog from Latvia and the Ukraine? Please get in contact with me and I'll send you a book. Go to...
Jottify is doing a competition which is 'right down my street'...but I've got no ideas for an 800 word story....there's still some time...maybe I cantake a scene from 'MBAT' and adapt it...yes, that's what I'll do...

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Sunset Limited

Been analysing the non-verbal communication between Jackson and Jones in 'The Sunset Limited'. I got to about the place when Jones lies down on a couch when I first tried to watch it, but I was listening to it as well as watching it - didn't like it. Many critics say it isn't McCarthy's best work, and it isn't, it's not as 'open' as his usual stuff, very dry. But this time I watched only the first 6 minutes or so, with the sound down, and Jackson and Jones do something else you can't see with sound. They're fighting, 'White' trying to beat 'Black' up, while 'Black' submitting to draw 'White' into his trap. Even after 6 minutes, Jones (White) has won, and if I watch more, I'll see him slowly beating Jackson up with non-verbal communication until Jackson's sitting there, dumbfounded at the end, 'punch-drunk'. 'Deep' dialogue isn't the winner here, it's the actors performances, they could have almost been speaking about anything, like one's a Pepsi drinker, the other's a Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola wins, of course :-)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Watch out! Another's on its way!

Yep, that 2nd novelette has started. I was stuck on a few plotholes, but now I've worked it out.
Done over 2000 words, some nice scenes happening.
The 1st novelette...still waiting on that one, don't want to publish until I know.
Didn't win the 6 word story competition. I saw the short list, and only one is good...
Tim Dowling...."Boy meets girl's boyfriend, prefers him."...the rest are just a waste.
My 5 attempts were dreadful, though this one I thought was okay..."Lost her phone, lost her mind."
The November 50,000 words challenge is coming up...getting ready for it.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My books are movies

That's about it, really, I guess. My books are movies, movies which will probably never be made :-(
The connection between my TV and DVD player is bad, so I watch everything with a 'green' tint, which is quite special, like everything is Matrix. I think if anyone ever picks up my 3rd book 'Rage' and makes it into a movie, it should be shot with a brilliant 'blue' tint, plus with the odd '300' style slow action scene, all mixed with 'Carry On' silliness, of course.
Nothing much going on, time ticks by, ideas come and go, the literary world goes nuts on pointless twaddle (as it has done for decades now), and I sit and wait for my next story to blossom...

Friday, September 28, 2012

Amazon Ranked!

Wow, I have 'rank's on Amazon. They're very very low, of course, but I have some :-)
'Man by a tree' (now only £5.36) Bestsellers Rank: 2,196,049
'The Bethlehem Fiasco' (now only £6.08) Bestsellers Rank: 3,034,912
'The Rage of Atlantis' (now only £6.75) Bestsellers Rank: 2,992,519
What surprises me is the 3rd has overtaken the 2nd. Is there something wrong with 'Jesus' books? Especially comedy?

Thursday, September 27, 2012

So busy...201st post...

...still working on 'How to'...:'Dani's Shorts 2' coming soon...

Right at this moment in time, I'm completely up to my eyeballs. So many essays to write, so much work to proofread...but I shouldn't complain. My books are out there, I'm still getting ideas for my October short story, waiting on any news about my novelette in the competition (yeah, right), and now over 2500 views for a 200 post blog all across the globe. Also waiting for a few more reviews of my 3rd book, 'Rage' here.
...and also more downloads of my little FREE ebook here :-)

by the way...
Update: This post is getting a HUGE amount of hits!
Okay, as of 22 Sept 2013...
'Dani's Shorts' and 'TDX2' are still available FREE here...
All my other books are on Amazon :-)
Please review wherever you can :-)...

Sunday, September 23, 2012

200th Post!

Yes, it's my 200th post, and we'Re getting to 2500 views :-)
Just re-submitted 'Rage', it'll be unavailable for less than a day (not that anything's happening). Found a few embarassing typos, so I had to change them.
Working on novelette number 2...good bit about 'how to drive a car' in there, a dig at those drivers I see on the roads every day. Yes, another comedy. What did you expect? A romance? Now there's an idea...

Igen, ez az én 200. post, és egyre we'Re 2500 megtekintés :-)
Csak újra benyújtott "Rage", hogy lesz elérhető kevesebb, mint egy nap (nem, hogy bármi történik). Talált egy pár kínos helyesírási, így meg kellett változtatni őket.
Dolgozik a kisregény száma 2 ... jó kicsit ", hogyan kell vezetni egy autót" ott, a dig azokon járművezetők látom az utakon minden nap. Igen, egy másik vígjáték. Mit vártál? A románc? Most már van egy ötletem ...

Да, это моя двухсотая пост, и we'Re получать до 2500 просмотров :-)
Просто повторно представить 'Rage', это будет недоступно менее чем за день (не происходит, что все, о). Найдено несколько неловко опечаток, так что мне пришлось их менять.
Работа на повесть номер 2 ... немного о хорошем ", как водить машину" там, копать на тех водителей, я вижу на дорогах каждый день. Да, еще комедию. Что вы ожидаете?Романтика? Теперь есть идея ...