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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Manna-X available! 5 star review!

So, if you want to have a good laugh, lose some stress, put a smile on your face...or try to understand the meaning to life, the universe and everyfish, then here you are, 'Manna-X'!
I already have a 5 star review on from the now famous Jasper T. Scott!
5.0 out of 5 stars Manna-X is one Roar of Laughter After the Next!, June 8, 2013
Jasper T. Scott This review is from: Manna-X (Paperback)
Manna-X is a light read, filled with fun characters and witty jabs at everything and anything. There are a few parts to take offense to if you have a religious background, but nothing too major for most to appreciate. Overall, the story flows very well and the writer's clever wit shines through on every page. The story follows just about every character on a chase through time and space to find the Code 237, or Manna-X machine, which was used by Moses in the desert to produce manna from the sky--among many other things. The plot of this book reminds me of Big Trouble by Dave Barry, while the writer's style, as always, hearkens back to Douglas Adams. If you need to de-stress and have a good laugh, then this is the perfect book for you!

Chasing a rainbow

Today I started with a horrible written exam and finished chasing a rainbow.
Yes, two hours doing a listening, reading, writing and linguistic (AHH!) exam, coming home to go have a look at the flood waters in Budapest. Then we went to a dance performance in some remote village 20km out (it looked like the only entertainment that village got all year), got rained on twice, and watched a surreal performance of four boys in folk dance costume dancing with white handkerchiefs between their legs - reminded me of the MP fish slapping dance. When we were coming home, we saw the end of a rainbow and I tried to find it...this was the 2nd time I'd tried this...sometimes I forget I looking for the pot of gold?
Manna-X is in Amazon !

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Manna-X a day away...

Yes, Manna-X is going through the Createspace review, though I'll have to do it once again, I found a typo...
What is it about? Well, we're all looking for something, aren't we? You're not? Super. Exactly. Right. Where was I?
I did a concordance on 'Manna-X'...words (+related) and it's a bit 'Freudian'...and people say there's no sex in my books :-) Here are a few of the most repeated words....

...blood, boy, girl, hole, man, physical...only 2 words actually related to sex (sexual + sexuality) but a lot of words related to...stone, stood, straight...:-)
Of course, there are other words, such as..., chicken...(???), code, creature, deal, death, door, face, light, mind, problem, room, shepherd, window...
Only 11 toilet related words, sorry.
But 'chicken'?...just had a look in ze book, yes, a lot of chickens!

Challenge 15 + Crome Yellow (Aldous Huxley)

Challenge 15 is up! Please read and cast your vote - for Dani J Caile, of course :-) 
It would be so nice to win again!

The other day I ordered an old-of-print book for my partner in an antiquarian down the road and found a ton of English books. It was a treasure trove. With my lunch money I bought a 1937 copy of Aldous Huxley's 1st book 'Crome Yellow'. I have to be careful when turning the pages because they crumble away.
It's extraordinary, it's wonderful. I love the book - and I haven't even finished reading it yet. I thoroughly recommend it! So wry and witty! (for those who can't find one in print)

...oh yes, and please vote :-) (see above)

Monday, June 3, 2013

Challenge 15!!! + a 2nd caption win!

Well, I'm into Challenge 15 of the Iron Writer's Challenge, I have a few days to write another 500 worder (actually, I've done it already). A few writers had to drop out/were unresponsive, so Brian Rogers has allowed me a second bite at the bit! Would be so good to win that WOULD be something.
Once it's up, I'll post the link!
The 4 elements are a single super power, an elegy, a wooden water tower and a theremin...

AND I've just won Clive Eaton's Caption Competition for the second time! Twice in a row!
Go and have a look at what I put...:-)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

3 Hobgoblins nonsense - Manna-X Extract

Just thought I'd post a little bit of the new book 'Manna-X' before publishing (hopefully this week).
It's an end piece on the 3 hobgoblins, Ekron, Sniff and Grint (Sniff and Grint were also in 'Man by a tree' and to a smaller extent, 'The Bethlehem Fiasco' - Grint only got a mention there). Hobgoblins are such fun to write for! Thanks to some of my students for a few lines here :-)
(English - Russian - Hungarian -French - German) - by Google Translate (because GT is so funny!)
I'm still amazed about where people read this blog from...I got a hit from Malaysia the other day!

The three hobgoblins looking on from a distance just sat there, mending their wounds and watching the scene play out. Ekron opened his mouth first.
"When I was a little hob, I thought that the sun chased the moon."
Sniff sniffed and laughed until his bruised ribs told him otherwise.
"Yeah, well, you're just stupid. Everyone knows the reason why the moon goes down is 'cause it's tired."
Now Grint joined in with the laughter, though subdued. They went back to watching Graham talking first to the dying female monkey and then to the soul.
"This kind of thing makes me think about the big questions in life."
"What are ya? You getting sentinal-mental?" Grint gave his tuppence.
"Big questions? For example?" Sniff found something for his now bleeding nose. Ekron opened his mouth but contemplated for too long on what to say. Grint beat him to it.
"Why do bees make honey?"
"Good one." Sniff held what can only be described as a mouldy rag under his nose and held his head back. "That's easy."
Both Grint and Ekron turned to Sniff, hanging on the dramatic pause.
"Oh, yeah, yeah, 'course." Sniff and Grint were happy, but Ekron wasn't convinced.
"I always thought it was for the money."
"That too." Sniff's reply ended the debate. Grint spoke aside to Sniff.
"Good bluff." They gave each other a hidden low five.

Три домовых глядя на издалека просто сидел там, чинили свои раны и наблюдает за происходящим разыграть. Аккарона открыл рот первым.
"Когда я была маленькой конфорке, я думал, что солнце преследовали луны".
Sniff понюхал и смеялся, пока его синяки на ребрах не сказал ему в противном случае.
"Да, ну, ты просто глуп. Каждый знает причину, почему Луна спускается это потому, что это устал".
Сейчас Гринт присоединился к смеху, хотя покорил. Они вернулись к просмотру Грэм говорил первый умирающей женщины обезьяны, а затем в душе.
"Такого рода вещи заставляет меня думать о больших вопросов в жизни."
"Что ты? Вы получаете Sentinal-психические?" Гринт дал Таппенс.
"Большие вопросы? Например?" Sniff нашел что-то для своей теперь уже кровотечение носом. Аккарона открыл рот, но предполагается, слишком долго, что сказать. Гринт опередил его.
"Почему пчелы делают мед?"
"Хороший". Sniff держали то, что может быть охарактеризована только как заплесневелые тряпки под нос и держал его голову назад. "Это легко".
Оба Гринт и Екрон повернулся, чтобы понюхать, висит на драматическую паузу.
"О, да, да," конечно ". Sniff и Гринт были счастливы, но Аккарона это не убедило.
"Я всегда думал, что это за деньги."
"И это тоже." Sniff в ответ конец дебатам. Гринт говорил в сторону, чтобы понюхать.
"Хороший блеф." Они дали друг другу скрытые низким пять.

A három gnómok néző messziről csak ült ott, javítás sebeiket, és figyelte a jelenetet játszanak el. Ekron kinyitotta a száját az első.
"Amikor egy kicsit főzőlap, azt hittem, hogy a nap üldözte a hold."
Sniff szipogott és nevetett, amíg a sérült bordái mondta neki egyébként.
"Igen, te csak hülye. Mindenki tudja, hogy az oka annak, hogy a hold lemegy a" mert fáradt. "
Most Grint csatlakozott a nevetés, mégis visszafogott. Visszamentek nézni Graham beszélt először a haldokló nőstény majom, majd a lélek.
"Ez a fajta dolog, ami eszembe a nagy kérdések az életben."
: "Mi vagy te? Veszed Sentinal-lelki?" Grint adta két forint.
"Nagy kérdés? Például?" Sniff találtak valamit a már vérző orrát. Ekron nyitotta a száját, de tervezik túl sokáig, hogy mit mond. Grint verte őt.
"Miért méhek mézet?"
"Jó volt." Sniff tartott, amit csak le, mint a penészes rongyot az orra és fogta a fejét. "Ez könnyű."
Mind Grint és Ekron fordult szippantás, lóg a drámai szünet.
"Ó, igen, igen," Természetesen. " Sniff és Grint volt boldog, de Ekron nem volt meggyőződve.
"Mindig azt hittem, hogy a pénz."
"Az is." Sniff válasza véget ért a vita. Grint beszélt félre szippantás.
"blöff." Adtak egymásnak egy rejtett kis öt.

Les trois lutins à la recherche à partir d'une distance juste assis là, réparant leurs blessures et en regardant la scène se jouer. Eqrôn ouvrit sa bouche en premier.
«Quand j'étais petite plaque de cuisson, je pensais que le soleil a chassé la lune."
Sniff renifla et se mit à rire jusqu'à ce que ses côtes meurtries lui ont dit le contraire.
"Ouais, eh bien, vous êtes tout simplement stupide. Tout le monde sait pourquoi la lune descend est parce que c'est fatigué."
Maintenant Grint rejoint avec le rire, quoique modérée. Ils retournèrent à regarder Graham parler d'abord à la mort femelle singe puis à l'âme.
«Ce genre de chose me fait penser aux grandes questions de la vie."
"Que vas-tu? Vous obtention sentinal-mental?" Grint a donné son tuppence.
"De grandes questions? Par exemple?" Sniff trouvé quelque chose pour son nez saigne maintenant. Eqrôn ouvrit la bouche, mais envisage depuis trop longtemps sur ce qu'il faut dire. Grint le devança.
"Pourquoi les abeilles fabriquent le miel?"
"Elle est bonne." Sniff tenue ce qui peut seulement être décrit comme un chiffon moisi sous son nez et a tenu la tête en arrière. «C'est facile."
Les deux Grint et Ekron se sont tournés vers Sniff, accroché à la pause dramatique.
"Oh, ouais, ouais,« bien sûr ». Sniff et Grint étaient heureux, mais Eqrôn n'était pas convaincu.
«J'ai toujours pensé que c'était pour l'argent."
«C'est trop». Sniff de la réponse a clos le débat. Grint a parlé de côté pour Sniff.
"Good bluff." Ils ont donné à l'autre un peu caché cinq.

Die drei Kobolde suchen aus der Ferne saß einfach nur da, Ausbessern ihre Wunden und beobachtete die Szene spielen. Ekron öffnete seinen Mund zuerst.
"Als ich ein kleiner Herd war, dachte ich, dass die Sonne den Mond gejagt."
Sniff schniefte und lachte, bis seine Rippenprellung sagte ihm ansonsten.
"Ja, gut, du bist einfach nur dumm. Jeder kennt den Grund, warum der Mond untergeht wird denn es ist müde."
Jetzt Grint verbunden mit dem Lachen, obwohl gedämpft. Sie ging zurück zu beobachten Graham spricht zunächst den Sterbenden weiblichen Affen und dann auf der Seele.
"Diese Art der Sache lässt mich denken, über die großen Fragen des Lebens."
"Was sind ya? Bekommen Sie sentinal-geistige?" Grint gab seine tuppence.
"Big Fragen? Zum Beispiel?" Schnüffeln fand etwas für seinen jetzt blutet die Nase. Ekron öffnete den Mund, aber in Betracht gezogen zu lange, was zu sagen. Grint kam ihm zuvor.
"Warum Bienen machen Honig?"
"Good one." Gehalten, was man nur als schimmelig Lappen unter die Nase zu beschreiben und hielt seinen Kopf in den Nacken zu schnuppern. "Das ist einfach."
Sowohl Grint und Ekron wandte sich an Schnüffeln, hängen an der dramatische Pause.
"Oh, yeah, yeah," natürlich. "Schnüffeln und Grint waren glücklich, aber Ekron war nicht überzeugt.
"Ich dachte immer, es war für das Geld."
"Das auch." Sniff Antwort endete die Debatte. Grint sprach beiseite, um zu schnuppern.
"Good Bluff." Sie gaben einander einen versteckten niedrig fünf.

Post about Manna-X + Iron Challenge!

Here's my post on Robbie Cox's blog! It goes on about 'elements' and the Iron Challenge, and Manna-X.
The Mess That Is Me...
Just one click away...:-)